General Guidelines
- Please include your name on all files.
- Submit only work that has not been previously published, in print or online.
- We gladly accept simultaneous submissions. Please note in the “Bio” section whether your submission is exclusive to Hungry Zine or whether you have submitted it to other magazines as well. If another magazine accepts your work for publication, please advise us immediately.
- Poetry: Submit a maximum of three (3) poems as a Google doc or Word doc.
- Fiction and Nonfiction: Submit a maximum of 1000 words as a Google doc or Word doc. Writing can include but is not limited to short stories, essays, interviews, and recipes.
- Visual art and photography: Submit a maximum of three (3) high-resolution images.
Art Guidelines
We print with Yolkless Press, a small (and lovely!) artist-run risograph press. If you aren’t familiar with preparing art for riso, here are some tips, illustrated by Michelle Campos Castillo.

- Please be aware that the zine is printed in two colours on a risograph press, and we ask that you take this into consideration when choosing which artwork to submit to us. We (and the folks at Yolkless Press) can help with file set-up for risograph, and understanding technical specifications. Just ask us if you have any questions!
- File Format: Please keep separate layers for each ink colour as you prepare your artwork, and keep in mind that final works need to be submitted as .psd or .ai files (if your piece is accepted). If your piece is accepted, we will need a separated file from you, meaning each colour needs to be in a separate layer, no two colours in one layer, and no flat jpeg or pdf files. psd or ai files are best. For illustrations that are made in vector format (Adobe Illustrator or any other software), please keep them in whatever file format they are in, and do not import it to Photoshop. Photoshop rasterizes vector files, and the quality degrades a bit. If you are working in Photoshop, please use 600dpi as the resolution.
- Page size: 8 x 5 inches (an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet folded in half and trimmed).
- Margins and bleed: 0.25”. We have a border around our pieces, so no bleeds (unless you don’t mind a white border), keep it within a boundary, use a background colour, etc.
- Colour: 2 colour throughout, double-sided
- More information about file set up for risograph printing can be found here:
- If you are finding it difficult to set up your file for riso, you can send the artwork to us (and Yolkless Press) to format. We strongly encourage artists to at least keep separate layers for each ink colour as you prepare your artwork. We (and the folks at Yolkless Press) can help with file set-up, and technical specifications, around colours and incorporating drawings. Just ask!
Submission Donations
We do not charge a submission fee. However, if you would like to make a donation to Hungry please click on the button.
Additional Information
- Types of content we are interested in:
- Personal essays, short stories, poetry, recipes
- Illustrations, photography, comics
- Original reporting, investigative articles, interviews, and profiles
- All contributors will be paid upon publication: $50 CAD per submission
- We do not publish the same contributor more than twice a year
- We respond to all submissions by email. Our average response time is between two and four weeks.
If you are using Hotmail or Gmail, please be sure to designate Hungry as an approved sender to prevent our response being caught up in your spam filters.